About This Site

Why I want to build this site

In a nutshell, this blog is my digital logbook, a space where I record everything I've learned, the ideas I've brainstormed, and my reflections as I navigate through various domains.

Since graduating from university five years ago, I've immersed myself in the world of iOS development, experiencing its full lifecycle. However, the advent of ChatGPT marked a turning point, eliminate the boundary between different software engineering domains. With ChatGPT's assistance, I've been able to set foot in backend and frontend, which previously beyond my imagination in earlier times. Moreover, my capabilities have expanded beyond coding; I am now able to engage in design and operational tasks as well.

Yet, my journey with GPT isn't about passively consuming its answers. I strive to introvert the knowledge, by doing which I believe is a sustainable path to personal and professional growth. This website will chronicle my journey of learning while exploring different domains through GPT's capabilities.

Here, I'll also share my thoughts and innovations. The ultimate aim is to broadcast my vision, enhance my writing prowess, and, hopefully, offer insights that resonate with you. Beyond that I hope this blog can also guide and enlighten others path.

Huanlin Zou.